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The perfect range for pet products.

All Passion, All Pets

For pet owners looking for the best in canine care, we provide a wide range of top-quality products. From nutritious treats to durable toys and accessories, we have everything you need to keep your pup safe and content.

Our Products

We understand that your pet is a big part of your family!

Pet Food



The best pet products of choice for pet owners

Affordable For All

Knowledgeable Staff

Pet Lovers

Customer Care

We carry products for animals of all shapes and sizes

Explore the fascinating world of turtles with our pet turtle product! Our specially-formulated product is designed to keep your turtle healthy and happy, even in their natural environment.

Join Our Family

Dogs  Cats  are family!

Their tails wag a special greeting. Their paws motion us near. They make our every homecoming bright and cheery

Introducing Your Exclusive Dog  Cat  Boutique



Supporting Animal Welfare with Every Purchase

Safeguarding Innocent animals!

Tails N Paws

Tails n Paws Company has committed to sharing a portion of its profit. The charities are 

Kick Off Special Offering

You get a 10% discount and our charities get a 10% contribution.

Pet Safety is our

According to Consumer Reports : Restraining your pets is as much about your safety as theirs. If a vehicle brakes abruptly or is involved in a crash, an unrestrained pet of any size can hurtle through the cabin, becoming a dangerous projectile that can cause injuries. According to the pet advocacy group BarkBuckleUp, a 60-pound dog in a car traveling 35 mph can turn into a 2,700-pound projectile in an accident.

Protect your dog or cat! Carefully review our products for the car, reflective collars, and bike carriers.

We LUV these Cat trees and comfy dog & cat houses. A great family like yours will love them too!

No One Wants Their Dog or Cat Sick! 
Health, Grooming & Feeding Products Can Help.

Your Dogs and Cats are begging for classy, unique, collars, harnesses & leashes. Go no further, ours are the best!

Beds,  Apparel & Memorial Products.

Sometimes our fury friends want to be stylish, and wear a little bling. At the end of a trying day nothing is better than a cozy bed. Unfortunately, the best of us pass to heaven eventually. We like to be remembered with a memorial. Not to worry, we have you covered.
Sometimes home alone is not our fury friend’s best option. When fresh air and safety is paramount, nothing is finer than one of our strong steel kennels. Take a look. And everyone needs more than a little lovin each day ~ so plan on spending a minimum of two hours of attentive time. You both need it!

Did you say Dog Toys & Treats? Say no more, lead the way!

Wait a second… it’s seems you’re forgetting a critical point!

(As the spanish proverb says, a cat is nobody’s fool.)
We cats expect toys & treats In abundance!

Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve, nurture and care for all life.


Sometimes we find blessings in the strangest places. During the fall of 2020, my wife and soulmate of over 25 years, Gloria Jean, contracted COVID. Despite fighting valiantly for over two months, she ultimately died.

I was devastated and alone. Then God sent me a miracle; two four-year-old mixed breed dogs, Ms. Drea and Mr. Ollie. Not since high school had my job allowed for a pet. Now here they were to save me from personal destruction.

Some people smile incredulously when I proudly introduce the duo as my family. Every minute of every day, they protect and love me.

At 75, partially disabled, living with a progressive debilitating disease, Parkinson’s, my fury family leads me forward. Given inflation, the loss of my wife’s income, and my inability to work outside the house; I decided to open an exclusive dog & cat internet boutique.

We will focus on exquisite quality products. Part of any profit will be set aside for animal welfare organizations. And we will offer contribution links for our customers to join us supporting these causes.

Ollie, Drea and I thank our customers and friends; we love you.
May God bless your lives as He has ours.
All the best,
Fred, Drea & Ollie Roberts < Founders

Dog or Cat of the Month Contest!

Post Your favorite dog or cat picture or video to the tails and paws section of these fives social media sites. You’ll find a signup form on the site,so we know your name, phone number, pet name and email address to award prizes.
One lucky winner which will be chosen each month by a panel of pet lovers.The winner will recieve a $100 gift certificate and $100 will divided among our four charity.






Each month a team of dog and cat lovers will choose the best photo or video of a dog or cat. We will feature your winning photo and videos on our site and award you.…

$100 Gift Certificate

And donate $100 – $25 each – in your name to our four charities!

First Annual
Picture or Video Contest
One Week All Expense Paid Vacation in

The Historic, Picturesque, Gastronomic

Capital of the South


2024 Best Pet Photo or Video Contest!

Winner Receives One Week All Expense Paid Vacation for 2 In our incomparable Charleston, South Carolina